Steam Name:
Time Zone:
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
7034 minutes, 118 hours
Languages I speak:
English, Hungarian
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
During my time as an administrator, I have encountered many situations that required lots of different thoughts and decisions, I have used every single one of my powers, all in different ways, and all to either punish rulebreakers, resolve an issue or help somebody that needed assistance. I have had lots of experience from the 3 months I have been staff and learnt a lot of things, including everything I learnt while being staff on TTT for around 5 months. I have waited a long time and finally decided that I am ready for the next step and ready to become Lead Team.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
While staffing on Deathrun, I do my very best to constantly remain in a calm, approachable and friendly manner, taking everyone else into consideration and trying to help others as best I can. I have never became disrespectful, violent, or unapproachable when staffing. I know when to have a joke, and also when it becomes too far. I see these qualities very fitting for a member of the Lead Team and hopefully this will make me a good candidate.
A lot of times I can show good leadership skills while staffing and in the teamspeak. I am always open to answering questions and if anyone ever requests help from me, I am always happy to do so. There is usually a few times in the staff team when we come to a dilemma and need an executive decision, I feel I contribute to these and will try my best to give an appropriate suggestion on how to deal with a situation whenever a staff member is stuck.
I generally have very high and consistent activity. However I have recently had a short inactivity for two weeks, and I am currently recovering my activity. By checking my gametracker you can see that I had high and consistent activity before the short break, and that my activity is now starting up again. By the end of this week, my activity should be back to normal, high and consistent, and proceed to do that for the upcoming weeks.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
There has not been many occasions where this has happened to me if I'm honest, but one of the few that have, of course, would be encountering a hacker. Obviously on this occasion, as an admin there is nothing we can do, so I called a member of the Lead Team and the accused player was anticheated and the problem resolved. If I was Lead Team, this problem could have been resolved a lot quicker and more conveniently.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
Firstly, I would make sure to read through the whole report and grasp exactly what the story was and what the staff member was being reported for. After this, I would contact the member of staff and ask for their side of the story. Once I have looked over the evidence, took both sides of the story, and came to an overall conclusion of what happened and if the actions could have been justified or not, I would come to a decision as to whether the report was going to be accepted or denied. If the evidence clearly showed bad doing on the staff members behalf, I would accept the report and write the outcome, and then bring it up in the Lead Team meeting.
Example of accepted report:
Hello, I have taken a look at your report and the evidence provided. After speaking to the staff member in question, they accept that what they did was wrong and apologise deeply for it, they now know that what they did is unacceptable from a staff member and it will not happen again.
Thank you for spending the time to write this report. This will be brought up in the Lead Team meeting and discussed if any further actions need to be taken.
Example of denied report:
Hello, I have taken a look at this report. Unfortunately, you were unable to provide any evidence of this occurence. I have spoken to the staff member in question, and they deny any of your accusations. Until you can provide any more evidence, I have no option other than to deny this report.
Thank you for spending the time to write this report, have a nice day!
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
The first thing I would do is contact the staff member and explain to them that the ban was excessive and more than it needed to be, I would make sure they understood this. After that, I would tell them what would be a better length of time for the ban and explain why. I would let them edit the ban themself so that they know in the future how to do so. If necessary, I would also attempt to contact the banned user, and explain that their ban had been edited and the issue resolved.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would first contact the staff member privately and help them as best I could. I would ask them what they were struggling with and what the situation present was. I would decide on an appropriate way of handling the situation and make sure they understood why I chose this. I would also make sure that in the future they would know what to do if this ever happened again.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would ask the staff member what exactly had happened and what they were accusing the staff member of. After I have gathered an understanding, I would ask if they had any evidence to support their claims. I would talk to the staff member who had been accused and listen to their side of the story, and if they would admit to breaking the rules or deny it. Depending on if evidence had been provided, and what the accused staff member's response was, appropriate action would be taken and this would be discussed in the Lead Team meeting.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would privately talk to both staff members involved, investigate the issue and find out what caused it. I would try my best to calm down the disrespectful staff member and try to find a way to resolve whatever the problem was. If the disrespectful staff member refused to stop being disrespectful and refused to cooperate with the other staff member, I would decide that appropriate action may need to be taken and it would be brought up in the Lead Team meeting.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would privately contact them and tell them what they were doing was not allowed and affecting other player's gameplay, I would make sure they understood that. I would tell them that if they were ever found to be doing anything like this again, there would be consequences. This would then be brought up in the Lead Team meeting and discussed, it would be decided if any action needed to be taken, and how severe that action would be.
Thank you for reading my application, any feedback will be appreciated!
sorry for stealing your colours taylor ; )