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Steam Name: Arobase
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/Arobase_95/ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47606614 Languages I speak: French and English How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?: If a guy is being bullied, i will first bring him with me in a private channel and ask him what happening and who is bullying him. I will bring him too to the channel and ask him too what happened. After hearing the two sied of the stories, i will ask to the first guy if he has proof of the bullied and if the second guy can stop bullying him. If he don't want or if the 1st guy has a proof i will punished the 2nd and adapt his punishment to what he did Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used appropriately: Move - This is used to move people to differents channels. Used to move people to a channel for a private discussion. Kick - Used to kick people from a channel or the server for example when you don't want him to hear you conversation or when he is spamming mic Ban - Used to ban a people from the teamspeak server for a time like 2 hours or for permanent and add a message to the ban. He can't join until the timer is over or the admin unbanned him. Change Name/Description Used to change the name or the description of user on the teamspeak, most of the time when there is insults, bad jokes or fake names. You can also remove his avatar if it's bad photo (-18) Channel - You can change the name of a channel, make it private and add a password or make that only staff can speak in it, used for announces. Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words): I should be chosen because i have a little cute voice <3. For real, i should be chosen because i very active on the teamspeak,i'm also SSRP Mod and i don't want to have only one Staff rank and talk to other servers staff members, it can also help to speak more easly english with some people. |
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