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TOPIC: [TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application

[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997945

Nickolas_The GNAR's
Head admin

Steam Name:

Nickolas_The GNAR

Time Zone:

GMT +2

Link to Steam Profile:


What server are you applying for?

Trouble in Terrorist Town



Current Gametracker Profiles:


Estimated Server Time:

I first joined the server on the 21st of August 2017 and have been dedicated to the community and server ever since (about 290 hours into the server as of now)

Languages I speak:

Greek (native language , English (Lower degree), German (3/4 lessons passed in B1)

Situations that I could face as a head admin and how I would solve them

There is a conflict between two Super Administrators that affects all staff members:

As we all know the Lead Team is here to show a good example to all staff and users as well being the ones that stop disputes not start them. Ending the conflict fast is important so as not to cause any trouble in the staff and show a bad example to the rest of the community.

After every one calms down I would personally talk to the super admin that started the whole situation (and most likely accused the other staff member because of something they did.) Talk to him, make sure I get his full side of the story without any stops. After that I bring every person that took part in the conflict into my spacer one by one making sure I hear their full side of the story in the end.

Usually conflicts are cause purely because of lack of communication and nothing more but it still shouldn't reach the point where it harms the entire staff team. If there is simply no way to calm every one down I would request help from my fellow head administrators and other lead team members that are not caught up in the argument.

In the end I would give out my opinion on who was right and wrong. Depending on what the outcome of the situation was and how the lead team members that started the whole argument acted I would bring them both up in the head admin meeting to discuss it with the rest of the team and come to a conclusion on whether or not action should be taken.

A super admin reports another head admin to me:

This kind of situation should not be taken lightly as the lead team is here to give the correct example to all users and staff members and when someone as high up as head admin is being accused of making a mistake and / or abusing it is very important. First of all getting a community manager is needed as I myself can’t handle report abuses against fellow head admins.

Same as when there is a conflict between the staff team I would first bring in the super admin and get his full story of the situation and then see if the head admin is available (also depending on how urgent the situation is). See what the problem is from his understanding of the situation and together with the community manager come to a conclusion. Of course the conclusion would be fair for both the head admin and the super admin making sure that it is clear to both of them what is going to happen.

A user reports a lead team member on the forums:

When a user reports a lead team it's something really rare and shouldn't be taken lightly. The lead team is here to enforce the rules and give the good example to everyone not break rules and / or abuse their powers. If a lead team member fails to do so there is clearly something wrong.

First of all I would look at the evidence the user has provided. If he hasn't provided any I would tell him that if he doesn't provide any evidence screenshots, log , preferably video evidence, I would deny the report.

Regardless of if he does or doesn't provide any evidence I would still talk to the staff member in question to try and find out what happened, maybe he made a true mistake that he didn't realize at the time. If he did actually make a mistake I would talk to him about it but still deny the report.

If he did provide sufficient proof I would come to an outcome that is both fair to the user and the staff member and post it on the topic. Examples of report abuses I have handled (against admins and moderators):

Why I should be chosen

What I am like in game

When in-game I'm always friendly and always try to look after every user to make sure they are having fun. I never break the rules and I always get out of my way punishing rule breakers even if it means something like killing myself on a Traitor round so I can gag a dead person that is mic spamming. When it comes down to reports I try not to handle too many of them as I prefer to observe how new staff members deal with tough situations but when reports are piling up and / or I'm the only staff member on I always handle them correctly. I'm also very friendly and a lot of the dedicated users seem to like me. Some of them always greet me when I join the server and of course I greet everyone back.

What Trouble in Terrorist Town means to me

At first Trouble in Terrorist Town was something new to me, or at least Zarp's spin on it was. I really liked the fact that it wasn't pay to win as some other servers had weapons with special attributes e.g. +20% magazine size or -90% recoil to donator ranks. I also really liked the fact it uses the M9K weapons instead of the standard counter strike source weapons. The levelling system is what got me hooked to the server but soon becoming the best staff member I possibly could was my goal. Now I simply love not only the layout of the server but also the people that play in it and the community surrounding it. Trouble in Terrorist Town was my "way" into this community and I'm really grateful for it.

What I am like in the meetings

When it comes down to moderator and admin meetings I try to be as active as possible. I try not to point out the obvious facts ( activity application etc. ) but would rather add something that only I knew for example his behaviour in-game or how great of a job he does on another server. The only times where I feel like I need to state the obvious is when no one else is doing that. I'm never afraid to object when I feel like someone deserves it. When it comes down to the lead team meetings I bring up as many people as possible that I believe need to be brought for various reasons. Most commonly inactivity but sometimes behaviour or attitude. I always offer to issue official warnings or demotions and I also take initiative in talking to staff members for the same reasons if perhaps it's their first week not reaching the minimum or it's something minor that isn't worth to be brought up in the meeting.

What I am like on the forums

At first I wasn't all that interested in the forums. I only posted my own applications and bumped them. I wasn't interested enough to look at other posts. Soon I became fond of the forums and started browsing them daily but not posting much. Over time I'd become addicted to checking the forums on a daily basis. I always comment on applications with the best and most constructive feedback that I can, I also managed to get moderator of 2 sections and I will continue this trend of trying to do the absolute best I possibly can and I won't stop working hard.

What I am like on Teamspeak

When I first became a staff member I only went on the Teamspeak for my two training sessions (moderator and administrator). Soon enough I wanted to become a super admin and was asked to get and keep up good activity on there. As of now I have only been banned once and I fulfil my staff duties daily. Most of the times on Teamspeak I interact with other staff members and specifically TTT staff members. I try my hardest to do my job correctly. I always try to keep a calm and yet still professional attitude.

My experience as a super admin

When I was promoted to super admin in-game situations weren't the only things I had to deal with. Reports on the forums against staff members is one of the few new experiences I’ve come across. Dealing with abusive users is a common problem but even more common are inactive users. Talking to them at first is what I try to do most of the time, if that is out of the picture and / or they are still acting in the same way after I talked to them I would bring them up in the lead team meeting for further discussion. The times where hackers use a program that can be detected by the anti-cheat system are rare but I still faced quite a few of them. Most of the times I have to record the hacker and bring it up in the meeting. I also was a great Prop Hunt head admin which gives me some experience in that aspect.

How I expect to work together with other head admins

As of right now I can work together with all staff members and most users. The current head admin team consists of:

Johnler - We are both Greek and great friends, we can communicate very well and work together as a team, after all we did campaign for super admin together.

Chienman - One of the people that got me to super admin and helped me out a lot. We've played a lot of games together and even completed Bozak's Horde on Dying light which takes great teamwork and co-operation.

Aek- Me and Aek have been about the same rank for a while on a lot of servers and we’ve learned to work together very well. We have been staff on multiple servers together and we knew how to co-operate very well.
Dodo- Best extinct bird there is, he has helped me out a lot and we can always work together properly.

Overall I can already work together with the entire staff team regardless of how high or low they are in the power rankings.

What I hope to achieve

As of right now there are 2 main things I want to focus on.

1st) Being one of the most active lead team members on team speak and the forums is a trait I want to brag about. I’m on daily for more than 5 hours and I think it’s important so people can ask me questions, request help, etc.

2nd) Cutting down on inactive lead team members most of the times there is a very valid reason for people to be inactive but there is a limit to how much we can let be. Thankfully the head admin team has done a great job to keep all the inactive staff out but you never know when more will arive.

Big thanks to Raeker who helped me out the most with my application when I asked for his help!
Thanks everyone for reading this, please leave constructive feedback below ;)
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997946

First of all, this is my honest opinion and do remember that I love you.

You're a great guy to talk to although your attitude is horrible at times...

You state you have changed for the better on this but as I spoke about a couple things a few minutes ago with you I don't feel you have improved on that.

You recently came back from a inactivity and I don't see you forfilling much tasks.
You are however stupidly active on the forums and TeamSpeak, although you are not that active on TTT itself..

I'm all for you getting HA but I think the attitude needs a BIG improvement.
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Plus Ultra!

EX TTT Super Administrator x3

EX TTT Head Admin
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Kurze.
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997948

I hope Raeker didn't tell you to make it all orange. SMH
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Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Raeker, Nick0GR

[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997955

Good luck!
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997960

"The dream of every greek person is in Zarp is to get LT" confirmed
nick is great pitogiro
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997971

Πάμε το έχεις ρε.
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997972

malaka :plussp:
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✼ Broccoli Gang Owner ✼
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✼ Forum Staff ✼
✼ TS3 Staff ✼
✼BHOP/Murder/PH/TF2 Admin ✼
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997973

Kurzex wrote:
I'm all for you getting HA but I think the attitude needs a BIG improvement.

I agree with this but this is the only thing that needs improved on and if you improve on that, i would have no problem with you as HA :p

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Ex Deathrun Super Admin
Ex Bhop Super Admin
Ex Prop Hunt Admin
Ex SSRP Moderator
Ex Murder UNTRAINED Moderator
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997974

your attitude is horrible on all servers and forums, doesn't need any more lt positions
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997977

What a Gnar
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♦ Ex. Prop Hunt [PH] Super Administrator ♦ Ex. Teamspeak Staff ♦
♦ Ex. Trouble in Terrorist Town [TTT] Administrator ♦

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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #997979

illegalimmigrant514 wrote:
your attitude is horrible on all servers and forums, doesn't need any more lt positions
Can I ask where you got that from? We haven't met each other in-game in over a month because we simply don't play on the same servers.
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GD+Server Apps Section staff
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Discord: Nick0GR#9038
TTT Super admin
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PropHunt Head admin
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #998000

Nick0GR wrote:
illegalimmigrant514 wrote:
your attitude is horrible on all servers and forums, doesn't need any more lt positions
Can I ask where you got that from? We haven't met each other in-game in over a month because we simply don't play on the same servers.

Seen your arguments with the CM team and server owners on the forums, you really aren't fit for the leadteam. And on the few occasions you were on servers I was on, you were a complete jackass and intentionally caused trouble.
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #998029

illegalimmigrant514 wrote:
Seen your arguments with the CM team and server owners on the forums, you really aren't fit for the leadteam. And on the few occasions you were on servers I was on, you were a complete jackass and intentionally caused trouble.

Can you provide examples of Nick's attitude? (For those who haven't been on the forums in months like me)
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[TTT Head Admin] Nickolas' Application 6 years 6 months ago #998040

.uzi wrote:
illegalimmigrant514 wrote:
Seen your arguments with the CM team and server owners on the forums, you really aren't fit for the leadteam. And on the few occasions you were on servers I was on, you were a complete jackass and intentionally caused trouble.

Can you provide examples of Nick's attitude? (For those who haven't been on the forums in months like me)
Sadly I'm gonna have to lock my own application for reasons.

It's gotten to that part of the meeting
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GD+Server Apps Section staff
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Bhop Super admin
TTT Super admin
Discord: Nick0GR#9038
TTT Super admin
Murder Super admin
PropHunt Head admin
Deathrun admin
SSRP admin
TeamSpeak staff
Server apps + appeal section moderator
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Nick0GR.
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