Steam Name: Kato
Link to Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194342189
Game Tracker Profiles:
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Spoken Languages: English
Explain a situation where it would be appropriate to use the ban command : Player 'x' is calling player 'y' racial slurs and insulting them so I would Mute/Gag player 'x' and Warn them, then after they become unmuted/ungaged they continue to harass player 'y' with insults and racial slurs. Because it's his second offense I would kick him but if he joined back and continued to do it I would then ban them for Racism.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for Cheating, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
After reading his very detailed apology full of effort, seeing this is his first ever ban I would most likely reduce the time of their ban and make sure they understand that if they cheat again they will be permanently banned.
Why I should be chosen: I have been a moderator for 3 weeks this coming TTT meeting and I believe in that time I have truly understood what It not only means to be staff, but also what it means to be looked to for help when people need it. I believe iv'e gotten the knowledge and the experience that it takes to be an admin.I love being able to help people on the same server that has helped me and I would love to be able to help out more. I have a large amount of reports completed and have 104 hours on the server and I would be very proud to spend my future time doing more on this server as an Admin.
Thanks You For Considering Me - Kato