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TOPIC: [Bhop Moderator] Kato's Application

[Bhop Moderator] Kato's Application 6 years 6 months ago #995261

Steam Name: Kato

Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198348950106/

Steam ID: 76561198348950106

Game Tracker Profile: www.gametracker.com/server_info/play.zar..._players/?query=Kato

Server Time: 17 hours

Languages I speak: English

Explaining B-Hopping: If a new player joined I would first explain how while jumping you shouldn't hold 'w'. Then I would explain how you need to hold 'a' while turning your mouse to the left and the hold 'd' while turning right. I'll say how they alternate between 'a' and 'd' every jump. If they still don't understand then I would link them a video.

Mic/Text spamming: If someone kept on Mic/Text spamming I would either Mute/Gag them depending on what they were doing.

Exploitation: If a player was exploiting on the server I would first verbally tell them what they are doing that is exploiting, tell them to stop, and then reset them back to the beginning of the map. If they continued to exploit I would kick them.

Why I should be chosen: I love to hop on B-Hop late at night and usually there are zero staff on. If that's the case I have to deal with Mic Spammers, Racists, and people exploiting. I would love to make the server a better place whenever i'm online. I think being able to help and assist people is something I not only want to do, but something I think I'd be good at.

- Thank you all for considering this application
Sincerely, Kato
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I sometimes question your staffing ability for example:
When in game your were shouting "jugger". I asked you what it meant and you said it is a Canadian word for the n-word

If you want staff again you really need to get your act together.
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[Bhop Moderator] Kato's Application 6 years 6 months ago #995263

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Ex - TTT Server Owner
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Ex - SSRP Administrator
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Henny.
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[Bhop Moderator] Kato's Application 6 years 6 months ago #995264

Your correct gametracker: www.gametracker.com/player/Kato/play.zarpgaming.com:27019/

According to your gametracker, you've only been playing bunny hop for the last day or so. I recommend gaining more consistent activity.

Good luck
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[Bhop Moderator] Kato's Application 6 years 6 months ago #998069

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP BunnyHop! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game attitude are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.


The staff team has voted to accept your application, which means you’re now a part of the ZARP BHOP staff team.

Before you get started, a staff member will help train you on the server and get you setup with your new rank.

There’s a weekly staff meeting for the server every Sunday at 8PM GMT, which is held on the ZARP Teamspeak server (IP: ts.zarpgaming.com). You now get a vote on the new staff members and we’ll keep you up to date with new events and server updates at the meeting.

Congratulations and thanks for supporting ZARP!

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ex-dog LT member on many servers

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