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TOPIC: [SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication

[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995064

RP Name: K33gst4r
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/Ya_boi_killer_keegstar/
SteamID: stepcrusher
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/stepcrusher/d...arpgaming.com:27015/
Server 2 - www.gametracker.com/player/stepcrusher/d...arpgaming.com:27025/
Server 3 - www.gametracker.com/player/stepcrusher/u...arpgaming.com:27015/

Estimated Server Time:
480 hours

Languages I speak:
English and French

Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match, (RDM), is when a player decides to kill someone except in the case of raiding, self-defense, accidentally running someone over by using a car, and hits for hitmen.
-If someone is shooting at you, you have the right to shoot and kill them. This would not be considered RDM
-If you decide to shoot someone in a car to highjack it, this would be considered RDM.
-If you see someone and dislike them so you decide to kill them, this is RDM.
-If you kill someone while raiding and they come back, (this would be breaking NLR), you have the right to kill them. This would NOT be considered RDM.
-If you kill someone who is raiding a base then this would Not be considered RDM.

Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
New Life Rule, (NLR), means that when you die, you cannot go back to the previous area you died in and effect it in any way until the NLR timer is over. You also cannot go back and kill the person who killed you if someone killed you. This would be considered breaking NLR.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y of RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would first ask if anyone has any video proof. If not, I would warn player y.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y of breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in the console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
It would be apparent who broke NLR because the first person to die would break NLR, so I would check who died first.

Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words):
I think that I should be chosen because of multiple reasons. First reason, when I play Gmod I tend to mostly play on Zarp and I'm pretty active. Zarp Dark RP servers are my number one favorite servers to play on and absolutely love Zarp as a whole. The second reason, I really hate people who break the rule. For me, when it comes to the rules, I'm really strict and feel that someone who breaks rules should get the proper punishment. The final reason, I love Zarp and would love to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy. To be part of this community itself is a blessing. The Zarp community is a great community and I hope you chose me so I can help make it even better.
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-Yung TJuice

Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Sally. Reason: Fixed Steam Link
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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995101

please make sure to provide the correct game trackers in your app also for the RDM situation you dont want to be warning someone for being accused of RDM simply cause the log says that he killed someone in many situations if the person making the F1 dosent have proof then you most likely wont be able to do much.
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Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by LuciouS.
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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995103

Last time I had an encounter with you, you went to all measures to annoy, and try and start drama. Hope you changed if you plan to go for staff.
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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995138

it was a joke. and it happened a log time ago
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-Yung TJuice

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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995161

saw u playng and nah :neutral:
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Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Ruby Dollface.
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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995199

No activity

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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #995235

i see no activity at all within the last 30 days

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Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Symtriix.
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[SSRP Moderator] K33gst4r's Aplication 6 years 6 months ago #997513

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP DarkRp! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.

This time, the staff team have decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again next week. To try and help you they have summarised some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting:
Needs to improve application and needs two weeks of consistent activity.

You can apply again at any time, and thanks for supporting ZARP!

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Moderators: Joshua, MadMagic, pizza

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