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Time Zone:cest Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198151371284/ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95552778 Current Gametracker Profiles: Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/Nicky36_42/da...arpgaming.com:27015/ i could not find my gametracker on server 2 and 3 even though i have join server 2 in the past i dont think i have joined server 3 before i mostly play on server 1 Languages I speak: Dutch and English Estimated Server Time: about 54 hours Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: rdm or random deathmatch is killing someone without any reason or to give a scenario lets say im just walking to the mine and someone just kills me out of nowhere without any reason thats rdm Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: nlr or the new life rule is that is you die even if you are rdm'd you cant enter that area or to say it in another way you have a timer at the top of your screen with the name of a area on the map and a timer next to it while that timer is active nlr is active and you cant enter that area for 3 minutes once the timer is over you can enter that area again Explain how you would handle the following situation: Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x. I would say that the console says that player 1 killed player 2 and ask them what the reason is for killing him if it is something like that they had a kos sign in the i would say that it is not rdm but if they just killed out if nowhere that is rdm and give them a warning for rdm Explain how you would handle the following situation: Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time. Say that player x is also breaking nlr if the kills / the breaking of nlr is in the same area and give them both a warning for breaking nlr and get them away from the area, that nlr is active for them but is player y is the only one breaking nlr say when did they break nlr because if i come to handle the situation and player y's nlr goes away as i come then i basiclly went there for nothing and i would just go away and do other stuff that i needed to do Why I should be chosen: because i can most if not all of the time peacefully and calmy sort out the situation and hope that everything goes fine but if people start to get pissed and someone kills someone in the sit i would just ban them for a day is just kick them and im just a calm and friendly person so if someone needs help with something i can just help them with whatever they need help with and most if the time when i join the server im in there for a long time so most of the time i can help someone and if all if this information has not convinced you that i should be a moderator on the server i will give you some spicy memes the application is the same as last time i just spend more time on the server on that week and here as promised from last time also a spicy meme, and if i need to be more active which i have been told the other times i have applied i want to know how much activaty i need to have in a week / one day
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by nicky36_42.
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Your correct gametracker for server 1: www.gametracker.com/player/Nicky36_42/pl...arpgaming.com:27015/
Good luck! |
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Symtriix.
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Server 1 gametracker: www.gametracker.com/player/Nicky36_42/da...arpgaming.com:27015/
and you have not played server 2-3 so there is no gametracker pls edit the post and paste this gametracker in |
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Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP DarkRp! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application. This time, the staff team have decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again next week. To try and help you they have summarised some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting: Two recent punishments. You can apply again at any time, and thanks for supporting ZARP! |
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