RP Name:
Time Zone:
CST (Central Standard Time.)
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
(I hope I did these right, ;D)
Estimated Server Time:
Server 3 - About 336 hours in total!
Server 2 - About 148 hours in total!
Server 1 - About 242 hours in total!
So in total with all of the servers, around
726 hours.
(The majority of all my time spent in Garry's Mod.)
Languages I speak:
Only English ;(
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match or RDM is when a player kills another player without a proper in-game RP reason, such as Self Defense, Raiding, Etc. An invalid reason to kill some one is if you simply don't like them.
In this scenario, we have two players: Let's call them Tom and Bob.
Bob is upset at Tom because Tom called Bob a "big dum", so Bob brutally murders Tom for no other reason, this would be RDM as there is no RP reason (according to the current set of rules) to kill Tom.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
NLR // New Life Rule is when you are killed in any District // Area // Tunnel, causing you to have to wait a certain amount of time (as displayed at the top of your screen) before you may return to the area at which you died.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
1. Accept the F1 and TP to player X.
2. Request to bring player X to a roof, and learn about the situation.
3. Because it is only an accusation and I did not see, I require proof that it happened. If there is proof, I cannot warn player Y.
4. If there is proof, TP to player Y and tell him/her that I need them for a sit.
5. Explain the situation and if the rulebreak calls for it, decide whether or not to give a verbal warning or a real warning.
6. End the sit and close the F1, returning both players to their last known positions before they were TP'd.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
1. Accept the F1 and TP to player X.
2. Request to bring player X to a roof, and learn about the situation.
3. Go to player Y and tell them I need them for a sit, TPing them afterwards.
4. Whoever died first, probably broke NLR. If it was in the same district and player Y had died first and returned and killed player X before the time had run out, then it was indeed NLR.
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I want to become an SSRP Moderator because the server is a lot of the time, in need of a staff member online and doing their jobs. So far, the server in my experience has almost always been in complete chaos, there isn't a time I've been playing on the server in a session where I wasn't RDM'd at least 10 times. I need to become Moderator so I can help out other Staff members who are stressed and doing their jobs but are overwhelmed like AlleyCat (as an example.)
I have been staff on the server before and spent a LONG time as staff on the server, (hundreds of hours) I know how everything works and I'll be able to go to work immediately upon getting Moderator because of it. I am incredibly friendly and super patient with other people as well!
Thank you for considering my application!
If there are any improvements that can be made, please let me know! ;D