Steam Name: Frøken
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:176300571
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Server 1 -
Languages I speak: i Speak Norwegian, english dome deutch, and sweedish.
Deathrun related
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting, is when someone is dead and tells whoever thats alive what or where something is or is the correct soulution.
If i ever saw someone Found out someone were ghosting, i would first tell them that ghosting is not allowed, if they do i again i would give them a warning. if they carry on even after the warning, i would contact a higher staff member so they could tempban them.
Why I should be chosen: I think that i should be choosen to be an moderator on the zarp deathrun server is because, i have no warnings and have alot of playtime on the server.
b]Howi would deal with a disrespectful player.:[/b] if someone was disrespecting anyone on the server, i would first tell them to stop. if they was still disrespecting someone, i would give them a warn. if the disrespecter carried on disrespecting, i would contact someone in the staff team to tempban the person.