Steam Name: LonelyDodo
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78404438
Current Gametracker Profiles::
Estimated Server Time: 60 hours
Languages I speak: Finnish, English and some others on basic level
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server: Verbally warn them and if they continue gag/mute them for appropriate time depending on their previous punishments
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: slay + verbally warn that the punishment would increase if they continue to exploit the server
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario: ghosting is relaying information via 3rd party software
scenario: Usual situation in PH is that 2 friends connect and choose other sides and when the prop one dies he ghosts for his hunter friend giving the locations of other props
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words): I'm a bird and selecting me would prove that your server is tolerant to other species and not a racist. Oh and I am a good staff member which you could use
Okay now seriously
I am experienced competent and good staff member in Zarp TTT server which is why I believe I would also be good staff member in prop hunt. I am dedicated to prop hunt and would be a great addition to the staff team. I am friendly and like to help users. Also I am a bird.