Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Languages I speak:
Arabic, French, English and a bit of spanish
Deathrun related :
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is using any third party software, out of game, for a direct or indirect advantage in game.
Example : Let's take the example of a 50/50 trap, if RUNNER X dies and then tells RUNNER Y (through TS/Discord ...) which trap is the real one - In this case he is ghosting.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
First of all, I would nicely ask him to stop disrespecting the other player and if he keeps on showing a disrespectful behaviour towards him then I would mute him for a certain amount of time. If the mute time ends and he carries on, I would have to kick him.
Why I should be chosen:
Likewise to my SSRP stature, I can work hard in making sure everyone in the Deathrun community has a safe & fun gameplay, my commitment to SSRP can be the same to Deathrun - Guaranteed to be on almost everyday, making sure all rule-breakers are dealt with in the most appropriate manner maintaining the positive aspects of the Deathrun server.
Thank you for reading my application, feel free to leave constructive feedback.