Steam Name: Humans1
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:120758223
Languages I speak: English and Swedish
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is when someone is dead and tell like if traps are activated, which doors to go trough, aka helping alive players win.. here is an example: there are 2 doors, one kills you and one keeps you alive. One player does not know which one to go trough, then a dead player who spectated the death that chose which door. then the dead player use voice chat or the chat to say witch door to go trough.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
Firstly i would tell them to stop. if that does not work i would try again. If he/she continues i would say: If you keep doing this u will get a warn and or be muted.
Why I should be chosen:
I would be a great moderator becuase, I can manage disrespectful players, I know when to use the powers i will get and i know how to use them.