Steam Name: Heart
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Languages I speak: English and Polish
What is Ghosting? and give an example:. When ur dead and u tell others player where Runner or Death is. Hearth died ... Heart : Runner camps in truck
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: First i would talk to the person being disrespectful and tell him to stop we don't allow people to act in such a way on the server and if he continues i will mute / gag him ( depending on what chat hes useing ) and after the map change if he still then continues i will kick him from the server.
Why I should be chosen: think i should be chosen for Mod on death run because i can help maintain the server and keep the rule breakers off the server and stop then from ruining the fun for the people who are enjoying the server and wish to stay / keep playing the server and me being mod would allowed me to punish these people who want to ruin the fun for others, Reasons why i can trusted i have 1.7k Hours in Gmod 75% Deathrun servers.
-Sorry for poor english.