Steam Name: xXHmzeXx
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175674893
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: English and Arabic
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: The shorten way of it is RDM, It means killing people with no reason, for TTT it works as the Detective or Innocents killing random people with no evidence or scene, for example a traitor stood infant of an innocent in the beginning of the match with a weapon out and the innocent killed him straight away without knowing who he is, That counts as RDM
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario: First, If someone reported that someone Rdm’ed him, I’d go check the logs and their roles, and if the report is true, I will KOS AKA Slay the reported on, Second, Any reports about racism I will check the chat log, and if i find any racist comment, I will kick/warn the person, Finally, Any Swearing etc would not be appreciated and it will cause a warning or a KOS AKA Slay.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios: Getting reports from selfish people saying that this person called me a noob, this person called me a kid would be sorted easily with ignoring him or saying to him to ignore the commenter, Second, guys saying that this guy is cheating while he is not and they are just bad at the game, unless I actually witness him cheating it will be another action.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words): Well I’v been an admin in many servers in other games, Such as Unturned and team fortress2, I was actually thinking about robles, But I thought I will get a lot of salty kids there, I’v solved so many problems in those games and actually worked as an admin for a youtube called Elitelupus.