Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
When a guard/warden kills a prisoner without a valid reason
Give 3 examples of an automatic Freeday:
As soon as the round starts
A guard just runs up to
PLAYER B and shoots them without being told order
On a Freeday a guard/warden kills someone without a reason
A guard tells someone to crouch walk and
PLAYER B crouch walks but the guard still kills them
How would you deal with a warden with no mic?:
I would firstly slay them and tell them to not go warden again. I would then tell everyone it is a freeday. If the play went back on as warden i would contact and admin to ban them from the Job
Choose one rule not already mentioned in the application and explain it in detail:
3.1 - Every time a map vote happens the round afterwards is always a freeday. The warden must give them a freeday with no questions. Also if the doors are not open by 8:30 (Top right of screen) its an automatic freeday!
Why I should be chosen:(we recommend around 100 words)
I am extremely active within the server, I know the rules and already nearly have 30 hours on the server. On Saturday i played for nearly 1000 mins which is around 16 hours. I report rulebreakers and always help in chat whenever i can. I have built a good strong reputation on the server and a lot if not all the player will know me. I am often warden/guard which means I interact with everyone extremely often. I am already staff on Forums (Appeals) and staff on SSRP (Admin) which proves i can uphold ranks and that I am trusted with ranks. I also am experienced with F-ADMIN
I know I have a recent warning but that was a general mistake and will not re-occur again. My Garry's Mod did not pick up my mic when i was talking. The game told me i was talking but i guess it never registered, I then proceeded to kill players as i gave orders and then i realised and instantly stopped to fix my mic. Even Clarky knows it was a general mistake and i did not mean to do it on purpose