Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Click here.
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Click here.
Languages I speak:
English, partial French, and can recognise a few Greek phrases.
Jailbreak Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Deathmatch, also known as RDM, is when you kill a prisoner as guard with an invalid reason, or kill a fellow prisoner without being instructed to by a Warden.
An example of Random Deathmatch would be when a prisoner follows all of the Warden's orders but is then still killed by a guard.
Give 3 examples of an automatic Freeday:
Example One: The first round of a new map.
Example Two: Cell is open with no orders from the Warden.
Example Three: If the cell doors aren't open and no orders have been given by 8:30.
How would you deal with a warden with no mic?:
I'd have to ask him to switch off of Warden in order to force a free day, as he's not permitted to use chat to give orders and must have a mic under Rule 2.1. If he wasn't compliant with my request, I would be forced to slay him.
Choose one rule not already mentioned in the application and explain it in detail:
5.2 Deathtraps - Wardens are not allowed to force Prisoners into situation which will kill them or allow them to be KOSed. For example, a warden must not force a Prisoner to jump off the roof of the prison or to go into the armoury.
Why I should be chosen:
I've been playing Jailbreak a lot since its release and I've been finding it very entertaining, considering it's a fresh concept for me. I've adapted very quickly and been able to learn the whole ins and outs of the gamemode in a very short period of time. I've got lots of experience with staff roles and I'd be able to get on well with a very large majority of the staff team, so I'd be able to promote strong teamwork in our duties, so they can be executed to everyone's best extents.
I didn't play on Friday as I wasn't able to get on before the server was full, apologies.
Thank you for reading.