Steam Name: Vilgru25
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76602323
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Languages I Speak: English And Lithuanian (i forgot to add another language in the last app)
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
I Think it will be appropriate, Some players can do following rulebreak: Hacking, cheating.
And its also For Racism or Sexist for Players cannot stop hacking like flying, but i wanna kick them for reason, atleast that someone tells me that Admins can't ban. but im surprised that they have tban
Ban would be used by calling SA or HA if there's no way around.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
This Promotion will help, Because more players are don't care,but keep breaking the rules and
no staff online to handle it, The reason there's Staff offline, cuz they have School or work.
So then, I decided to stop waiting and apply to Give them a Verbal warning.
Another Thing that Hackers are possibly rare, But i can't handle this
I'll just call the Head Admin or Super Admin.
Why I should be promoted:
Because I wanted to Help Zarp and clean from Dirty Breakers, just like Admin, but they have more Commands
I have been Moderator for long time and my opinion, I have gained experience
And i trusted (Showed my trust) myself that i have to wait a week more. I still have my good attitude and friendly.
I'm ready for Admin, Because someone said that and get more powers. I always help players for How to play and why not working
So i hope i'll be the admin and get even more experience.
NOTE: I edited my app, Because i don't feel like my words, Still decent? Thank you for reading