Steam Name: Agent Fang Potter
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169757416
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
(These were all my accounts before name changes all together i have over 2 or 3 days)
Languages I speak:English , Spanish , A tiny bit of russian
What is Ghosting? and give an example: (Explain in your own words what ghosting is and give an example of ghosting) Ghosting is like when a player dies or has just recently joined and he gives information to a player who is alive for e.g: I had just joined the game , I give a player information about which one he shouldn't step on or it'll kill him
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: (Explain in your own words how you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member.) Well at first i'd give a verbal warning and tell him to lay off if he doesn't stop then it'll be a MUTE and ill give him one last chance FINALLY I'd give him a warning a mute for the rest of the map if he continues a kick and finally a 1 day ban ,,,
Why I should be chosen: (Explain in your own words WHY we should chose you to become moderator, what makes you stand out? What are good traits about you? (The questions are examples and are NOT part of the template. (We recommend around 75 words)) One of the reasons why you should accept me. Reasons be I am a very calm and thoughtful person I can get into arguments but I don't take it to a hole new level like Racism or Family. I am very intrested into Garry's mod and i have over 2000 hours on Garry's mod. I also was a moderator last year I resigned because some things happened in my life and i had to keep it quiet. I was told by many people i was a great moderator i also have had many past experiences so it's not like im brand new to ULX or some of the commands
This is why I think i'd make a good staff member Please comment your own opinion of me and that i won't get angry or judge i like to hear what people actually think of me