RP Name:
Time Zone:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time:
3500+ across all servers
Languages I speak:
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match is when you kill a player without a valid reason whether it is in rp or not.. An example of this could be that a player killed another player because he said something that may of offended him.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
NLR occurs when you die in a district that you must avoid until the 3 minute timer is up. An example of this can be, if a player dies raiding the pd they must not return to the district to continue the raid, nor interact with the district from another district. This does not apply to police in the mining/police district.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would teleport to player x to notify him that I am handling his F1, once he is notified and he is not in an rp situation I would proceed to teleport the player to a roof. Once on the roof I would ask him why he made the report the player y. Once player x has explained his side of the story to me, I would then proceed to teleport to player y and tell him that he is needed for a sit, I would then teleport the player once they're out of an rp situation and ask for their side of the story. If the stories are the opposite of each other and in no way similar, I would ask player x for video proof to back up the statements he is making. If player x cannot provide valid proof of the situation I would not warn player y, although if there is valid proof against player y showing that he did indeed rdm, I would proceed to verbally warn or warn the player depending on their recent punishments.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I would teleport to player x to notify him that I am handling his F1, once he is notified and he is not in an rp situation I would proceed to teleport the player to a roof. Once on the roof I would ask him why he made the report the player y. Once player x has explained his side of the story to me, I would then proceed to teleport to player y and tell him that he is needed for a sit, I would then teleport the player once they're out of an rp situation and ask for their side of the story. I would proceed to ask for player y's side of the story. Once both players have explained their sides of the story, I would then check to see if the player had died in the same district and seeing that player y did and the kills are close together I can determine that player did break nlr. I would proceed to verbally warn or warn the player depending on their recent punishments.
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I should be chosen because I feel that I can help out the server in a positive way, although my attitude on the server and forums may not have been the best, I intend on turning this around to be a more positive person towards the Zarp community.
I have held ranks on multiple servers across the community such as; Teamspeak3 staff, Deathrun Headadmin, Trouble in Terrorist Town and Bhop admin. I believe that the previous ranks that I have held across all Zarp servers would make me a decent moderator.
I am generally active on the server so I would have no trouble getting the required minimum time on the server and the weekly F1's. Finally in my opinion, I have noticed a lot of player rule breaking and I intend on lowering the percentage as much as I can, so if I get moderator I hope to make some sort of positive impact on the server.