Steam Name: The Real Satan
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_1:0:49816657
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Estimated Server Time: I don't know
Languages I speak: English and American
Prophunt Related:
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server: I would tell them to stop but if they carried on I would have to mute / gag them as it's against the rules
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: I would tell them to stop but if they don't I will warn them because exploiting is bad and against the rules
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario: Ghosting is where you tell your friends using third party programs stuff about the game if you are dead like where props are and stuff
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words): I should be chosen because I am a good guy you know a pretty average guy but a good guy and I have been staff on other prop hunt servers so you know I know how stuff is and I won't need to be baby fed too much as I already know the flow if you get me I also am very good at prop hunt as I used to hunt props myself back in School and won a medal for it you can see it if you want but yeah these are the reasons also you guys probably need more staff dont know why just do so you know I will do a good job
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