Steam Name: Vilgru25
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76602323
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Languages I Speak: English
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is basically a hint that is against the rules.Dead Runners telling Alive Runners to go Right or left side,
Like Every maps. And its also Telling the Death is afk and telling the Buttons are activated also counts as Ghosting.
*DEAD* Player 1: Left and Right.....Death is afk....Button already activated, go!
Player 2: k ty
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
I would tell them to Do not Disrespect and be nice to them,
If he doesn't listen, I will Mute and Warn him for Disrespect, but then after 2 rounds, i would unmute/ungag if he's calm and learned his lesson.
If it keeps going like 2 warns or 3, The kick will happen.
Why I should be chosen:
Because i am always active, playing the Server everytime. I was Neutral and Friendly to every players.
Since i never became the Moderator before, so im doing it now. i will greet everytime i join the Server,
Also i'll help players everytime if they needed help, Rulebreaking players will be punished, and watch the players are doing.
And also Noclip if one runner afk. I know some Commands i can do, but also for reasons.
I always Obey the rules, telling everyone to stop Rulebreaking.