Steam Name: |FP| S0ul
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63135032
Languages I speak: English
TS3 Related
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?
I would first find out who the user is. Then i would move him into a private channel or spacer and have him explain to me what happened between him and the other user. If the claims are valid I would move the other user to channel and here his side of the story. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding everything would be fine and i would move them back. If the claims were true and i had evidence i would explain to user who was bullying the other user that it is unacceptable in Zarp and if he continues to keep doing it , it will led to a kick then a ban.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Move - You can move a user by dragging there name into your channel and out of your channel for appropriate purposes.
Kick - If a user is being bullied,racist,disrespect, or mic spamming is when they should be kicked after there is a warn giving out, you can do this by right clicking and entering a kick reason
Ban - If a user continues to bully,be racist, Disrespect, or mic spam after being kicked is when they should be banned, you can do this by right clicking on there name and ban them by entering a reason and a time (second.minutes,hours,days, or permanent)
Set Server Group - This is used when a play get staff on a server you can right click on there name and add them to a server group which will give a list of Server Groups you can be added to like TS3 Staff, Community Owner, DarkRP Administrator , Bhop Staff.
Set Channel Group - This can be used to give someone permissions for a certain channel, so they can only kick/mute people in that channel only, you can do this by right clicking on there name and clicking Set Channel Group and you will get the options of Voice, Operator, and Channel Admin.
Edit Channel - You do this by right clicking on a channel and clicking Edit Channel. You can there then Change the name of the channel, Add a password to the channel, Set a topic or Description to the channel, and add a icon to the channel. In the Standard tab you can Sort the channel off another channel, make the channel a default channel (where user will come into when they join.) or make it a temporary channel (disappears when everyone leaved) or make it permanent (there forever). Also you can set a talk power in the channel to. Here you can make it so users cant talk in the channel unless they are given talk power by a admin or channel admin, or are a admin or channel admin. In the Audio tab you can edit the quality at which people talk to make it sound fuzzy or clear. In the Permissions tab you can make it so there is a join number so you group id has to be that or lower to join the channel. There is also subscribe power which mean you must be at least that to see the people in the channel. An example of this would be when Head Admins and Owners go into a spacer you can't see them because you don't have the amount of subscribe power to see them in the channel. In thew Advanced Tab you can set how many people are allowed in the channel or an unlimited amount of people in the channel.
Delete User's Avatar - This can be used when someone's avatar is offensive or inappropriate. You can do this by right clicking on there name and clicking the option Delete User's Avatar
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words). I think I should be chosen for a couple reasons. I am in Teamspeak very many hours every single day. I always find myself asking other TS3 Staff members to move me around in channels. I am very knowledgeable with a lot of the Teamspeak permissions and know how to use them all. I am a very trusted Staff member and am ready to fulfill this position.