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Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM means a person gets killed by another person without a valid reason, for example just walking to them and shooting them and this would be breaking the ZARP Rules.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
NLR Means when a person dies for example in rich district and then decides to go back because they're may have though it was an unfair death or they just dont want to follow the ZARP Rules, so they go back into Rich District before there 3 minute timer is up for NLR.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would goto player x who made the f1 about player y rdm'ing them, then i will ask them if i can bring them to a roof and then do so with there permission then, ask for there side of the story and then ask who was it and where, then i will go to the area where player x was RDM'ed to find player y and then if i cant find him i will tp to him and ask for his permission to tp to a sit and then get his side of the story and then anaylse both stories and seewhich ones make sense or not and also see what is missplaced from the details etc. Then if they are no solid evidence of if it was a rdm or not, i will ask for proof from one or the other like a recording and then deal with it if there was evidence but if there was no evidence i wouldnt be able to do owt.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I will goto the f1 which player x made and get there permission to take them to a roof and then get there story and what happened and how many times they broke nlr but i will also mention to them why they didnt just make a report instead of actually killing player y multiple times and then goto player y and get permission to bring them, then speak to him a bout why he was breaking nlr and get his side of the story and try to work it out again and then deal with the problem like i should, like punishing them for example, warning player y for NLR as they broke nlr in the same district multiple times but this matters on how many warnings they have
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I should be chosen becasuse im very active and ive been a admin on Previous servers and i like to help around the server and i enjoy Helping out problems Also i am able to be on all day and half of the night so less mass rdm at night this will help others mainly the server because i can be on most the of the day and night to stop rule breakers and also to stop from new players to join and see that the server is just full of rdm'ers when no one else will be on or active to help with f1's, I also have good social and listening skills this will help others because it shows others that i can listen well and learn quickly about things also i am not worried to give infomation on things and key point on infomation for people or for ideas for the server and i think that if i keep this work up i can understand more about ZARP Staffing and get more know with the community other than i am currently and hope that i can join the staff team and show you what i can do as i am very determinded to do my job which will be staff and make sure i enforce the rules to people within the server.