Steam Name: 0livier
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: ocrashed
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Estimated Server Time: more than 12 hours on this account but I've been playing surf for over two years.
Languages I speak: English and French
Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to Surf for the first time: First I will send them a video to check with the basics of surfing and then I will spectate them and explain how they could get more speed, height and how to be smoother.
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming: I would warn him and tell him to stop and if he keeps spamming, I will mute him for 10 minutes and report him to my superiors.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: Instant warning and a report to higher admins. If he keeps doing its a kick or maybe a temp ban if he is really disturbing.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words): I should be chosen because I have a lot of experience in surf (2+ year as I said earlier), I've been admin on multiple servers and admin for a year on a surf server. I leave in Canada in Eastern Time Zone GMT/UTC - 5h, So I can play when Europe admins are asleep or away (night-shifts). I speak and write in 2 languages fluently (english and french). And finally I think the server is awesome but I dont see as much admin on the server (except Lewis) and I can be an active one so it could help the server! Im 18 years old btw!
Thank you!
Extra Information: (Not Required)
Hello! I applying to be an admin on the surf server! I've been admin on Fiery Networs for ~1 year now, and since its dying I would like to help with this awesome server! I've been surfing for 2 years and I can speak french and english! I can play anytime of the day and I live in Canada so I can administrate the server when its night in europe! Thank you for your time -0livier.