Steam Name: Ainsley
Link to Steam Profie:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196771043
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:ttt
Languages I speak: english
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
rdm is when one player kills another player with a obscene reason or no reason at all .(the example)8 people left 3 ts hes just walking and then he gets killed this is an example of killing a player for following you
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
5 people left 1 t the 1 t is kosed for disposing a un identified body. this is an example of an acceptable kos .
10 people left 1 t he is kosed for pushing a person of a high place (eg. the top of tower on a minecraft map)this is an example of a accecptable kos
11 people left 1 t t is kosed for disposing the gold block on he mincraft map
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
31 people left 3 ts t is kosed on suspicion this is an example of a unacceptable kos.
21 people 2 ts left player is kosed for following another player .
10 players left 1 t player is kosed for bringing a body somwehere(which is in the general derection on the detective)
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words): i should be chosen because i have being playing games for 5 years of my life and i love to moderate and generally make this server a better place for all the community i have a good judgement because i play on a variety of servers with great admins and they have taught me what is bannable and what is slayable i tend to give players a warning before banning them and i tell them why they were warn and i often say "take this as a learning expireince" i am good with salty kids as i am surrounded by them daily [/b]