RP Name: El Scorcho
Time Zone: GMT
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142246262
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Estimated Server Time: 150hours
Languages I speak: English, Squeaker
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: Random Death Match (RDM) is when 1 player attacks/kills anthother player without reasoning, eg:
Player x is building and player y starts shooting player x. This is RDM. This doesn't apply, though, if player x has a wanted level (must be valid wanted level) and player y is a cop. They are allowed to fight as it is a valid reason.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: New Life Rule (NLR) is when a player dies. That player is not alllowed to return to the district they died in for 3 minutes unless it was clearly RDM. They must also forget about everything in their past life, eg:
Player x is mugging someone in the Fountain District. Player y, a cop, kills player x, meaning he/she can no longer return to that district for 3 minutes and forget that the cop that killed them killed them.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.:
I would ask the player x if they wanted to come to a roof to discuss it. If yes, then I would teleport player y to the roof. I would ask them what happened and if any of them had proof for/against it being RDM. If player y did in fact RDM player x, I would warn player y and return them both back to their last locations.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.:
I would first take both players to a roof. I would check logs and see where the kills where and how close they were. If they were close, I would warn player y for breaking NLR. If I can't find evidence in the logs, I would ask for proof for/against player y breaking NLR. If none, then I would return them both back to their last locations.
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I am very active towards the evening, normally staying on the server for about 3-4 hours. I enjoy helping people and resolving agruments and have had lots of experience when it comes to settling agreements. I hate the feeling of hitting F1 and having to wait 30 minutes just for someone to reply, so I want to change that. I love ZARP which is why I've stayed with it instead of just switching servers, so I have hope that I can become a Moderator and help stop these problems.