Steam Name:
✪|Z| TheFierceOwl ✪
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:102183427
Link to game tracker:
Languages I speak: Fluent English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match ( RDM ) Is when an innocent kills a T without any proof or an innocent for no reason
Example 1 : An innocent walks up to a T who he doesnt know he is a T and kills him. THIS IS RDM
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1. Harming/Killing D
2.Throwing nades at people
3.Using a Detective health station with a kos warning on it
Example 1: A player comes near a detective and kills him, and someone else sees it and calls the KOS.
Example 2 : a player Throws a nade at The T tester and kills several people ( or doesnt in either way ) its kos
Example 3: a Detective places a health station and says " WHO EVER USES MY HEALTH STATION IS A KOS " and someone uses it , ITS KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. Throwing smoke nades
2. having announced T weapons
Example 1 : A player throws a smoke nade in the T tester and someone calls a KOS on him. ITS UNACCEPTABLE
Example 2 : An innocent kills a Traitor and picks up a T weapon and says " I killed a T im innocent and have a T weapon , dont kos me " and someone calls the kos on him after it . IS UNACCEPTABLE
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words): i guess now my recents are less according to admins. maybe u can say i can me trusted , im active thats certain , im loved by a lot of people on zarp community and also been one of my only TTT servers , This week is going to be my week .
, MY activity might not be the greatest this week , but its just that i had a problem with gmod starting / launching servers , it wouldnt do launch until i re-installed the game , game addons , and css content . Excuse me for my not too good activity <3