Steam Name:
|Z| Windows
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
Croatian, English, German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM or Random Death Match is killing someone without a valid reason
Player A kills player B because they don't like them
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Comes out as a Traitor
Harry RDM Squatta says in chat "I am a traitor! reeeeee!"
Proven as a traitor by tester
Xnator goes into the tester and the lightbub shines red
Throwing the golden block to unreachable places
Hazz sees that he's a traitor and finds the block, then he throws it so nobody can find it
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
KOSing someone because they hold a grudge
Raeker kills Xnator because they don't like each other
Player being AFK
Miia kills BananaSlanger because he's time farming
Similar Player model/skin
Windows is a traitor and he has the same skin as Spicy, EMP comes along then shoots Spicy because he had the same skin as Windows
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I should be chosen because I am quite active, friendly, trusted, experienced. I am currently Deathrun Super Admin, Murder Super Admin and Teamspeak staff which gives me a lot of trust and experience.In the past, I have been SSRP Admin, Prop Hunt Moderator. I am extremely friendly in game. I have no valid punishments on my rapsheet. I interact a lot with the TTT staff members and constantly report players to them. I do know I only have 1 week of activity but that shouldn't stop me from getting it due to my high activity this week. I know the rules really well, and if I see someone breaking rules without staff members online I always tell them to stop and read the rules.