Steam Name: |Z|Bhavya
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143747271
Current Gametracker
Estimated Server Time: IDK
Languages I speak: English french
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server: I would tell them to stop and if they continue I would gag/mute them and warn them for mic spamming or text spamming.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: I would tell them to get out of the exploit and if they don't then I would slay them and warn her/him.For example, if a person was exploiting in a position that he can't be found or killed and he was told to get out of that exploit and he wouldn't listen I would slay and warn her/him.
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario: It is when someone tells someone who is the murderer which can be correct and be false.If it is false it is also ghosting and ghosting is when you are not alive.For example if she/he was not alive then she/he told a alive player who has the gun that the other person out of 3 people is the murderer ,the alive player she/he told would shoot that person and that would be ghosting and I would mute/gag and warn them..But if that person wasn't the murderer then it would be still ghosting.Ghosting can be done while not alive.
Why I should be chosen: I should be chosen because I have been staff on deathrun .I am very nice and love playing murder. I am very active but my activity is not good but it will improve as I have just started. I enjoy being staff. I know most of the commands as I have been staff on deathrun.I know all of the rules.I enjoy playing murder and can play a lot.