Steam Name:
Nickolas_The GNAR
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Languages I speak:
Greek , English , German
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
There are numerous occasions where the ban command could be used but I'm only gonna give out a few examples , if a player is constantly breaking rules and/or has 10+ recent warnings i would first tell them that their next punishment will result into a day ban (or more depending on if he has recent bans) and then if he breaks one more rule ban him for the according amount of time(taking into account his behavior recent bans and over all attitude). Constant disrespect is also an other reason to ban someone especially when they won't stop after repeated warnings. Exploiting can first lead into a kick and then into a ban. Playing ear rape/spam web taunts after a verbal warnings is another ban - able offense.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
I have needed to ban people because of the recent warnings and as we all know moderators can not use the ban command so i have had to contact other admins to stop what they're doing and get on the server to ban said player . An other thing that would help with me getting admin would be being able to force spectate other admins which so far I haven't been able to.
Why I should be promoted:
I am very trust worthy and experienced with in-game and teamspeak3 situations not only how to deal with them properly but also efficiently and fast because I have had previous admin experiences(ttt and mu sa , ph admin) my activity may not be the best but when on i always deal with situations instead of just playing on the server or time farming in spectator mode. WIth the recent loss of a few very good deathrun admins [rob(good pianist) , Micky (and that's just naming a few)] i believe i would be a great addition to the deathrun admin team. My attitude is amazing , I'm always friendly even to disrespectful users (and staff members).
Regarding my resignation , it was stupid i revoked it's all over don't take it against me.