RP Name: Rema
Time Zone: UTC +1
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/ogcram/
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time:1 year give or less,this easter is gonna be 1 year i think
Languages I speak:English,Serbian,Croatian,Bosnian
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is killing one player without any valid reason or cause.
Example:Player 1,is running around the server and spots a AFK player,walks up to him and kill him with a Assult Rifle.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
NLR-When you die at a certain spot on the map,you will have a timer on top of screen,counting down 3 minutes and the district name where u can not come back in the span of those 3 minutes.If it was RDM,u still cant come back to that spot u must make a F1,and someone from the staff team will handle it.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would handel his F1,tp to him ask him if i could TP him to a roof,after he gives me permission i will tp us both to a roof,then ask player X what happend,and why did player Y kill them.I would check logs and see that player Y killed player X.Then i would say to player X,that im gonna teleport player Y to the sit.Go to player Y,ask them if i could bring them for a sit if he allows that i will tp him to the sit.If he says 'Not now im RPinig' i would wait for them to finish Rping and then bring them.I will bring them to the same roof,paste the log and ask player Y why did he kill player X.If player Y says a whole diffrent story i must ask player X for video evidence.If player X doesnt have any evidence i must end the sit and tp them both back to there last location.But if player X has evidence i will review it and determin the punishemt for player Y,if the evidence is good enough i will warn him for RDMing and lying to staff.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I would bring player X ,and ask the if they have and hard video evidence of player Y,breaking NLR,if they do not i will finish the sit.If they have evidence i would then tp player Y to the sit and ask them why did they break NLR,show them evidence if they have recents i will warn them for NLR,but if they dont have any recent punishments i will verbal warn them!
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I think i should be chosen because i would really help the server,by stopping rulebreakers on all the ssrp servers.As of right now i encounter alot of rulebreakers on SSRP servers,where they are rulebreaking and ther is no staff to warn them.I would like to help newcomers to the server,and people being harrased by rulebreakers.If i was to get mod i would handel all the F1 with a calm and polite manner.No swearing racisam or anything i would keep it 100% proffesional.My last warning was 6-7 months ago,and i know they were bad for me!
I can dedicate most of my time to play on the server,mybe expect some days if i have tests.I would balance the the staff duties and roleplaying.So few hours i would Roleplay and few hours i would be on Duty as a mod.I would be doing F1 as calm as i can be and the most courtesy staff i can be for now.I would also like to take this as an opportunity to help out the staff team.
Thank you sincerely!