Steam Name: SyStem
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22800751
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 68 hours (Will be more throughout the week)
Languages I speak: English - Danish - German - Bosnian - Serbian - Croatian
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin:
Since i have been a member of the staff team for around 2 years in total, ive got enough knowledge to be a administrator and know everything that a staff member needs to know, such as the commands/powers, and people know how i do my job as a admin.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user):
There was this one user who was mic spamming and was using very racist words, so ofcourse i muted him. When the mute time was over, he did it again, so i kicked him of the server. Then he comes back on the server and mic spams even more, and the ban command would come in handy here, but as a moderator you dont have that power. So i had to call a higher up.
If you had to write a letter to train a moderator in between 100-200 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?:
I would start of by telling him about the different commands there are when being a mod, to get him fully into the staffing.
I would mainly focus on the voice and chat mute, since that's almost the only thing that can be broken on surf (besides explpoiting or hacking). To use any command you have to hold tab (or where ever you see the score board) Press on a sertain player who is for instance mic spamming, you press the voice mute, and start of by muting him for couple of minutes, depending on the situation, same as chat. To kick someone, you do the same thing with holding tab, then kick (if the rulebreaker did not improve after the mutes)
But i prefer to use /mute [NAME] or /kick [NAME]
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for Cheating and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Well since its the first ban i would perhaps give him one more chance to prove me wrong about the perm ban, i would let him join the server and keep and eye on him with spectate command. But it depends on how long he waited to make a unban apeal, because normally, i would let a hacker wait to get unbanned for a month or two.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 100 words):
Personally i think that i should get promoted because of following two reasons.
One, because i am a trusted lead team member, and i do my job very well, and im a hard working staff member.
And two, because i am on the server for atleast 5 hours a day, and dont stay afk all day long.
I interact with players, i surf, and have fun with anyone on the server. Also, i have been surf staff in the past.
Promoting me would not be something the owners, or lead team on surf would regret, and im sure most people can agree.
As you can see bellow, i am very dedicated.
I went from a rank 215 to a 104 in under a week.