RP Name: abcdefghijqmlnopqrstuvwxyz
Time Zone: UTC + 01:00
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141344128
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90539200
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Gametracker Zarp 1
Server 2 - *****************************
Server 3 - *****************************
I don't play in the server 2 and 3 for lag issues but if a player needs my help I will be here.
Estimated Server Time:
+4000 minutes
Languages I speak:
English and Spanish
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Scenario 1 : Player A was proppushing me and I kill him because he was proppushing me.
Scenario 2 : Player A raided my base and after he raided the base I kill him because he raided my base
Scenario 3 : Player A gets insulted by Player B , so he kills him to revenge.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
I was in my base and a Player C killed me because he was raiding me and I didnt want to lose my printers so I came back and I killed him before the NLR expires.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I make sure I am ready to do it and then I start the sit. First I go to the victim and I ask him "What happened?" then I bring him to a sit , after that I go to the accused and I tell him that I will teleport him to a roof . When I am in the roof I hear the 2 versions and after that I ask him for proofs against accused player. If he doesnt have proof I end the f1 and I return the both players but If he has proof I check it to know if its valid and then I check the accused player rapsheet and I verbal/warn him.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I make sure I am ready to do it and then I start the sit. First I go to the victim and I ask him "What happened?" then I bring him to a sit , after that I go to Player Y and I tell him that I will bring him to a roof . After that I check the logs and I see if he broke NLR and if he broke it I warn him but If the logs doesnt show anything related to the f1 I ask for proofs.
Why I should be chosen:(we recommend around 150 words)
After a long time waiting to for the best opportunity to be a staff member (+1 Year) I applied again and I really want to be in the staff team because I usually want to help players , deal with minges , make them stop harrasing players and making zarp worse . Also I am very friendly with players and a good guy , I usually help new users in zarp but sometimes staffs arent online and I can only post a warn request and sometimes they dont get punished for their actions. I'd like to do f1s and be on duty and be able to stop minges or stop people from being harrased by them. I am an experienced player and I know the rules and I have experience with Fadmin and a lot of admins addons from other servers , I known how to make a some players stop mingering without using staff commands or punishing him and I have patience.
Thank you reading my application , I hope I can be inside the staff team in zarpgaming. If you like my application please leave a comment , have a nice day!