Permission given from Annie.
Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Languages I speak:
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
Consistent Rule Breaking
It would be appropriate to use the ban command when someone is breaking a great amount of rules (mass rule breaking) or consistently breaking rules, for example a player is mic spamming in the game, after multiple gags, warns etc. if they continued they would be banned for a certain amount of time.
If someone is using hacks on the server to exploit/cheat the map and/or ruin the game for others.
If someone is gives another player death threats or hack threats. Threatening to shutdown/DDos the server. These threats would lead to a longer or permanent ban.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
Since I have an "no life" amount of hours I am sometime left on the server as the only staff member which is difficult to maintain if there are a lot of rules being broken due to limitations on commands. One time when I was the only staff member, there was 2 player who were continually mic spamming. I continued to follow the punishment routine I regularly use. But after the 3 warns they both joined back and kept continuing. While I was contacting a higher ranked staff member to ban the player they disconnected thankfully. This both annoyed me due to limitation but the new players that would join and leave to the spam. The promotion would help me in this situation as I would be able to ban the mic spammers myself an not have to deal with the restricting commands.
Why I should be promoted: (We recommend around 75 words)
I should be promoted to Admin as I am very active on the server I would manage to keep consistent time on the server. I am also friendly and welcome to old and new player which could help bring up the population of the server. During time of being moderator I have managed to get good with the commands and when its appropriate to use each command. During the 3 weeks of being moderator I have had to use several amount of commands in different situations and have managed to do my duties on several occasions. I love being part of the DeathRun staff team and would love to make a greater impact on the server.