Gang Name: Frag Angels
Gang Owner: Gmod Troller and Me, we both own it as much, gmod troller has the leaderboard owner.
Steam Profile of the Gang Owner: Gmod Troller's
How many people are in your gang? ( Must meet the required amount ) 40
Are you in good terms with the community?: I'm an SSRP Moderator, and gmod troller is inactive so i think we are
How long as the gang been around? Like over a year/2 years
Are you in the top 20 gangs on the server? We're number 4 at the moment.
Why should your gang have a teamspeak channel? So we can all communicate better when playing gmod, or just generally basing/raiding, it will help us to have our own ts channel, so we can simply communicate, no other reason really
Extra information?
Gang Image/Tag?