Steam Name: Zikinan
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156415959
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
Languages I speak: Little german, English, Little Russian, Polish.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is killing someone on suspicion or killing someone without a valid reason.
Example: Shrek killed Zikinan for walking.
Example: Nickolas don't have enough proof to kill Jack, but Nickolas thinks "Hmm, I'm sure he is traitor" and killed Jack.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1. Somone is holding T gun without announcing this. Zikinan is running with Traitor gun, Shrek is killing him.
2. Somone is killing someone and not checking him. Ohana killed manuounmuna and not checked him, but ran away.
3. When someone is planting or ignoring bomb. (Of course if he saw this) Magda is planting the bomb, Shrek saw that and killed him.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. Clicking the kill buton in the tester (no double check). Player X is going to tester, player Z is cheking him, it says traitor, so Player Z is killing player X.
2. You cannot kill someone on suspicious. *Oh! I'm sure he shooted, let's kill him he is traitor". The guy is killed.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words): I think I should be choosed because I like trouble in terrorist town gamemode and I'm really active. If I will be choosen I can help administartion team. I'm plaing on this server and I know some commands, rules etc. For example I know what is ARDM, RDM, RNT, LTAP etc. I want also help people who wants help, I want to avoid RDMers, scammers on TTT server. I guess I'll be a good moderator, I can make also new friends. I know sometimes there is hate, but if will be, I'll be ignoring it. Also if I will need help I can ask another moderator! I know some scenarios for example in reports: "That detective shooted me because I didn't wanted to go to the tester, so I killed him". So that will wins detective, because he can do things like that. I will be reading so many reports; that's how admins are working.