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Server 1:
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Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match
Random Death Match is when a player would kill another for an invalid or false reason. For example, the round starts and you run up to another player and shoot at him even though you are innocent and he has done nothing traitorous.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
A player runs past an Un-ID body so you ask them to ID the body. If they keep running away you can kill them.
If you see a player hide or throw away a diamond or gold block you can validly kill them.
If a player is fighting another player and you see that happen you should wait until the fight is over and if the player leavs or ids the body and it was an innocent you can kill them.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Placing a KOS on someone with a custom outfit like the 'Kleiner' player model skin. For example if you see a player kill someone in a Kleiner model you cannot kos that skin incase there are multiple people with it.
Placing a KOS on someone who is not getting tested this would only occur in a situation when your not detective. For example you would ask the player to get tested if they refuse and you place a kos on them this would be a false kos.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I am dedicated to zarp as a whole and truly love my experience so far. I will mention this in my first bit incase you don't read later on. I was going to apply next week however due to the holidays and the meeting being cancelled I thought I would make an application this week and would be an awesome addition to the staff team. I know I will only have around 5 days of activity however hopefully you will see me throughout the community being polite and potentially a good staff member.
I should be chosen cause I am active on the server and whenever I am online the player count drops a little bit however so does the staff team. I was playing yesterday with no staff members on for around two hours until Seargent got online and sorted out a few rulebreakers. I also have a deep knowledge of the rules whichj will benefit the server when it comes to rulebreakers.
I am also going for Murder staff and TTT is great in certain situations for example, when Murders playcount is down I play TTT when it goes up I can play on on Murder again. So its great, hopefully you will judge this on my current playtime and you will see that it is over standerd. Yesterday I got nearly 5 hours and I will remain that until meeting however as stated just making this cause there is no meeting next week.
Hope everyone has a good holidayt and see you on TTT.
My Rap Sheet
The warn appeal was accepted and I can provide my appeal if needed.
The kick was due to me responding to long on a reply which made the reply get denied and while I got a drink the staff member kicked me from the game and sadly whent on my record. I am getting a head admin to remove these as soon as possible.