Steam Name: Stewie
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28637343
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 1600+ Minutes In Total
Languages I speak: English
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server: Give them a warning to stop, if they don't mute them.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server: Again give them 1 warning, then kick if they do it again.
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario: When a group or couple of people are working together on separate teams, to use each other to gain more points via cheating the system and telling each other were the props are.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words): I Have been playing a lot on the Zarp servers, I enjoy gaming on here, but sometimes people take advantage, And I would like power to defend the other gamers.
Extra Information: (Not Required)