Steam Name:
|UK| Captain Ginyu
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 2 hours 25 mins
Languages I speak: English
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server:
I'd warn them first to stop what they are doing, if they continue i'd give them a Gag for a set time
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
I'd Warn them to not do it again and slay them for the remainder of the round, if they do it again I'd kick them for not following the rules and not listening to the Mod/admin
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario:
Ghosting: someone telling someone or everyone else where a person or prop is hiding for e.g "His hiding under the Table in the living room"
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
I'd make a great assets to the Prophunt Team, I have over 3000 Hours of Gmod game time (most of it was not recorded before they brought out a playtime) I've been a Mod and Admin for other gamemodes (Stranded, Sandbox and RP) I'm very calm and collective towards other players and help out anyone that needs it
Extra Information: (Not Required)
Had Recommendations from Crankybot and Kyber to apply