Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
about 4 months in the community(1 week user,1 moderator,3 months administrator) Minutes: 9014(as of 9:20pm GTM 6/12/2017)
Languages I speak:
Aquired level : Lower degree in english literature but i speak like it's my native language.
Μιλάω άπτεστα Έλληνικα , στο κάτω κάτω είναι η μητρική μου γλώσσα.
Aquired level : B1 , Ich spreche ein bischen Deustch nicht so viel , ich spreche perfekt Englisch .
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
Besides the obvious: better understanding of the ulx command, learning how to handle reports better, being more active in meetings,being more active on the forums , being more active on ts3 i have also learned to take quality over quantity when it comes to the reports i handle.I have made better and stronger relationships with the rest of the community (from users to head admins),i understand how to properly handle abusive player/staff members and ofcourse handle warn appeals/reports.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
I try to play atleast 1-2 hours a day (some times its hard to do so on mondays and tuesdays because of my routine) but overall active on the server.
I am a friendly person , i dont hold grudges , i try to have a good relationship with everyone , i respect everyone , yea i make mistakes but who doesnt? atleast i make sure to learn from them and not repeat them in the future.
Lead Team experience
I used to be a HOS(head of staff) on a now shut down dark rp server (NRG-New reality gaming) i know how to handle other staff members,i am very familiar (although i need a good revision) with the ulx menu and what is expected from a staff member.I am also a Murder Super Admin and i've gotten used to ZARP's Lead Team's duties (training people , filling in the lead team spreadsheet , voting in the lead team meeting etc.)
A lot of people will vouch for me on being very principled and mature. I am also a staff member on the ZARP Murder and PropHunt servers and most players trust me.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
I accidentaly warned jar jar (dovah kitty) , after realising my mistake i quickly removed the autoslay and apologised but there was no HA online to remove the warn. I saved his id and forwarded it to Xnator . After dovah kitty made a warn appeal Xnator removed the warn and i learned the difference between aslaying the victim vs aslaying the reported person(it was a missclick i didnt realise)
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
after reviewing the report if the evidence does not lead to a clear yes/no then i will bring both the accuser and the accusant to teamspeak to have a chat with them.After that i will decide if the staff member is guilty or innocent and act accordingly .
If yes then
Hello player X , thanks for sumbiting your report. After reviewing your report and the evidence i have decided that staff member X is guilty and will be punished accordingly. thanks for making this community a better place!
If no then
Hello player X ,thanks for sumbiting your report.After reviewing your report and the evidence i have decided that staff member X is innocent and therefore nothing will hapen.
Ofcourse since i dont have an example i cant specify there reason of me accepting/denying it on an acual report i would provide a reason for it.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situations:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?First i would talk to the staff member and explain to him for how long a player should be banned acording to his actions.Then i would adjust the ban to what it should be.If however the staff member thinks reacts in an agresive maner or he does the same mistake again then heavier consequences will have to be put in order.
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?The staff team is here to make time on the server more enjoyable not to cause more chaos.I would bring that staff member to teamspeak and link him to the staff Ethos page where i will discuss with him how he should treat other players like.If he continues to deal with users in an inappropriate manner then he will be punished.
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
First of all this scenerio is highly unlike since most of dont break the rules and even if we did no one would snitch about it but in the rare occasion that this happened i would act as following: bring both staff members to teamspeak , talk to them try to figure out whats going on , see both people's POV on the situation, if the staff member is found guilty then he will be punished accordingly , if not then i would make sure that who ever acused said staff member of breaking the rules is more sure/has more evidence of it hapening before he jumps to any conclusion.
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
First of all bring both members into teamspeak , then i would make(ask) them stop arguing. when things have finally calmed down i would talk them see what the problem is, make sure that they can "argue" in a more appropriate manner instead of shouting at eachother.If they start arguing again then they will be punished accordingly.
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
First of all i would make sure they stop rule breaking , after that i would bring them on team speak where i have a talk to them about the rules how they should always be obeyed (after pointing out his mistakes) and tell them thats its better to ask questions if unsure then to act in a way that would get you demoted.
Over all pros:
Tryhards for SA
Great banter
Over all cons:
Tryhards for SA
No fun allowed when i'm on duty
Sometimes banter gets a bit too far
Please leave some constructive critisism/feedback so i won't have to apply another week