Steam Name:Ashleyyy
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19525127
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Server 1:
Languages I speak: English only currently.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:Random deathmatch, commonly know as RDM for short, is the most known rule stating that you may not kill another player without a valid reason.
1)An innocent player kills another innocent player for no reason.
2)A detective kills a player without DNA or a valid reason.
3)A traitor kills his traitor teammate.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1)You have seen another player kill another player and they do not identify the body or the player killed was an innocent.
2)You have seen a player with a traitor weapon that they did not pick up off a dead traitor.
3)A player walked past an unidentified body without identifying the body.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1)You suspect a person of being a traitor with 100% proof of them being a traitor.(Killing on suspicion)
2)You have seen a player kill someone but you kill/kos them before they have identified the body.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I think I should be chosen because I understand the rules of the game and I have common sense. I may be young however I am very mature. I will never abuse my powers as I only want to help the server and help the staff team get jobs done faster. I have noticed some staff, such as Doglife, have been leaving because it degrades their experience and their fun while playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, and I am willing to give up my fun or experience to help the server and degrade the harm of the server. I also believe that I could bring players in by doing the best job as I can so people will invite their friends because of a fun game and good moderators. I know what deserves a warn and I can tell if someone is lying or if they are telling the truth. I know how to use the administrative ULX commands along with some coding and anti-cheats. I know a few free and paid cheats that can bypass the server's anti-cheat and I am working on a way to look at the source code of each cheat to find the way it bypasses and share it with higher members so they could improve the anti-cheat. I have worked with cheats, but I have never used to cheat to my advantage. If I wanted to cheat I wouldn't give the information about the cheat for a possible cheat out to the public. I hope you can understand my situation and accept me as a possible moderator. Thank you for your time.