Steam Name: Drconor
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74231812
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: RDM is a abbreviation of Random Death Match, This is when a player attacks another player for no reason.
Example of RDM: When a innocent kills another innocent after killing a person without iding the body before killing them. This is rdm cause the player could of killed a traitor
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1) When a player kills a innocent without iding a body and running off, After this has happend the player who witnessed this has to id the body that player has killed to see if its a innocent, If that body was ided as a innocent then you can place a valid kos on that player.
2) When a player witnesses another player carrying a traitor weapon this is only allowed to kos if thats player holding the weapon has not said in chat that they have a traitor weapon, Then that player can call a kos on the player holding the traitor weapon.
3) When a player walks in the traitor room the player who witnessed that person going into that room can call a valid kos on that person.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1) Placing a kos on someone who killed someone before that body has been ided, This is because that person could of had a valid reason for killing them example: They had DNA on that person.
2) Killing a player for holding a traitor weapon after that player has announced in chat that they have a traitor weapon.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I should be chosen because i have played for a long enough time (level 26 ,around 14000 mins played) to get a strong grasp of the rules and have learned from my misstakes in the past ( everyone makes misstakes). I have also learned when staff members go offline the rdming get uncontrolable and this makes the game unplayable and not pleasant to play. I am applying to try and resolve this issue and help retain order when other staff members are offline. I have also enjoyed the TTT server and its community am wanting to be more strongly envolved within the community.