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TOPIC: [SSRP] ChefBoyardee's Mod Application

[SSRP] ChefBoyardee's Mod Application 1 year 1 week ago #1421303

RP Name: ChefBoyardee
Time Zone: Eastern
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198255878358/
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147806315
Current Gametracker Profiles: www.gametracker.com/server_info/darkrp.z...yers/?query=Z+Tizzel
To find your Gametracker Profile, follow the link for each server and search for your current Steam name. Replace the server’s Gametracker link with your own profile for the server
Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/server_info/darkrp.z...m:27015/top_players/

Estimated Server Time: 7 years

Languages I Speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: Random Death Match is the act of randomly killing someone else with no given reason or purpose. AN example would be killing someone driving their car around.

Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: New Life Rule is in essence when you die you start a new life and can not return to a certain area for 3 minutes.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
I would teleport to player A after accepting their f1. I would ask if they would like to start a sit and if so teleport them and then grab player B. I would ask for any evidence or clips and handle the sit.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
I would freeze/jail said player and give them the suitable punishment for said rule breaking.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words): There area few reasons i believe I should be picked starting with I am constantly on as of late and when I am, not many staff or any is one during night where I live. This causes a lot of people losing items such as miners with picks. Another reason is with the constant player base rising as of late more new players are joining, which is a good thing but some just mass rdm or ruin the fun for other people. Being a Mod at these times could help cut back on people losing expensive items and being upset and get people only on to rule break off the server. I am know many of the players who play and think I would be good for this role. Thank you for your time and I hope you think about this application.
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[SSRP] ChefBoyardee's Mod Application 1 year 1 week ago #1421304

you have been on zarp for 61320 hours?
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[SSRP] ChefBoyardee's Mod Application 1 year 1 week ago #1421317

1,054 hours :plussp:
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[SSRP] ChefBoyardee's Mod Application 1 year 3 days ago #1421535

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP SSRP! During our weekly staff meeting we reviewed your application, checked your activity and discussed your recent punishments.

We just wanted to say Congratulations! The staff team has voted to accept your application, which means you’re now a staff member.

Before you get started a lead team member will help train you on the server and get you setup with your new rank. Don’t forget that you can always ask another staff member if you’re not sure about something

ZARP SSRP Staff Meeting – Every Saturday 7PM BST

There’s a weekly staff meeting for the server at the above time, which is held on the ZARP Discord server Discord. You now get a vote on the new staff members and we’ll keep you up to date with new events and server updates at the meeting.

Congratulations and thanks for supporting ZARP!

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