Steam Name:Bella
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
2699 Minutes
Languages I speak:
Main Language: German
Second Language: English (Fluent)
Third Language: Russian (Just started learning, about a week ago from this time of the appilcation)
Prop Hunt Related
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server:
If the player will spam in voice chat or in the text chat, I will mute them for a short time like 5-10 Minutes first, depending on how bad the kind of spamming is and how long they have been doing it.
Example: I joined and I have been told the player has been spamming while there was no moderator active.
Any continuous behavior in a way of spamming will lead to longer mute times, eventually a warn and a kick.
This also applies to taunt spamming like way too loud and they just keep doing it every round, especially the "tinnitus" taunts.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
Depending on what type of exploit.
A map exploit for example the player will be told to move.
A great example are the ''Impossible to kill" spots where the player is located on a map where a hunter can't shoot through.
If the player won't take actions after being told to move, I will warn them, slay them or move them myself.
Another type of exploit would be cheating
(Considered that cheating is exploiting)
Since the player is using a unfair advantage through a third party software.
I will warn them and kick them right away after noticing, telling the higher staff that there is someone cheating.
On other scenarios I will keep an eye on the player and take any actions depending how bad the exploit is.
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario:
Ghosting is when 2 or more communicate through a third party voice chat application like Teamspeak, Discord or others.
Giving each other information about the other player's location and kill the player by both parties being in different teams.
Exmaple scenario:
The Player who is in the Hunters team will wait for their friend who is in the props team to die so they can spectate the other players in the Props team and start giving them the exact location of the other Props.
Some might be hard to find but thanks through the player who died in the Props team and telling the Hunter the exact location it will be easy for the Hunter to elimate them.
Causing the round to be finished quick and ruin the fun for the players who are in the Props team.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
I personally think I can handle things quite quick and calmly with other players.
I can stay calm even in the most stressful situations but I can be kinda "annoyed" sometimes but this happens rarely.
Thankful enough I learn quick too, and love to help out the staff and especially other players.
I'd love to answer player's questions and help them any way related to the server or the game mode itself.
Even for the germans if they don't speak english properly, I gladly help them in german so they can understand the server and how everything works.
I love to make it fun for everyone and keep the Server a safe place for everyone.
If there are any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask or talk to me!