Steam Name:[Wolfy]
Link to Steam Profile:[ ]
SteamID:[ STEAM_0:0:231076133 ]
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:[2704 Minutes]
Languages I speak:[English and Romanian - fluent in both speaking, and writing. ]
Prop-hunt Related
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server:
[Text/ Mic spamming is annoying. Reminding an individual about the rules against spamming and being asked to stop should be within the first approaches. If the individual continues a warning can be set in place. Furthermore, if it escalates, and they continue to disrupt the game, there may not be many choices left but to warn through temporary "mutes/gags" leaving kicks/bans from the server as a last ultimatum. It's important to handle the situation professionally, maintaining levels of fairness and keeping in mind the best interest of all players. ]
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
[First things first, investigating the issue to confirm that an exploit is indeed being used, This can be done through observing the individuals actions in-game, checking logs, or consulting with other members of the moderation team. I personally believe that warning them should be the first action taken as this would create a better rapport from players to moderators. Many may exploit a "spot" without knowing it's wrong thus, a warning should should be set in place to ensure they understand that it is wrong and can be punishable. If the player continues to exploit then, immediate action should be taken, documenting the incident as of first; including taking details of the exploit, players account name and the actions taken, (Kick/ ban - reason for kick or ban) ]
Explain the meaning of the term "ghosting" and give an example scenario:
[ Ghosting is a term that refers to sharing information about the location or identity of the props in the game with players who are not currently in the prop team. For example, Imagine you're playing as a prop and you get tagged by a hunter. Instead of leaving the game or waiting until the next round to play again, you stay in the game and start sharing information with your friends who are still playing as hunters. You tell them where the other props are hiding or who they are pretending to be, which gives the hunters an unfair advantage. ]
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
[Unfortunately, I am not arrogant enough to believe that I should be chosen over anyone else. I simply love playing the game and I hate seeing constant blatant racism, cheating or ghosting. I think I would be pretty fun to have around, however, I will leave that for you guys to decide! ]
Extra Information: (Not Required) Hey guys, since I am not very sure on how to use this format properly, I will leave my contacts here for you guys to feel free and to give me a shout whenever:
Discord: Wolfy CD#0240
Have a lovely meeting!