loxeo wrote:
Raeker wrote:
I always find it strange how admins sell doors just because a guy is afk for a while. You're allowed to be afk on the server and I see no reason why users should be punished for it by having their doors sold.
You'd see why if you had more SSRP experience. As Nafe said, it becomes a very annoying problem when someone buys the doors, goes afk
just for the reason to make sure you can't base there. A douche move and the doors should be sold if there's nothing in the RP house.
"Should" they really? I even asked during my admin training whether it was allowed, as I had seen it happen before, and the Head Admin seemed very reluctant to answer that question as I don't believe he was that sure.
Just because everyone does it does not mean it's the right thing to do. Though I guess we'll see from whatever the Lead Team member's outcome is. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if they deny the report.