The user has provided me with the following three videos:
MsMs immediately started with "Why did you CDM this person?" which is not really a good way to start a sit in my honest opinion. Then the user explained to him (albeit a little poorly) that the user jumped in front of him and that it couldn't possibly have been his fault.
To this, MsMs claimed that it was his fault and that it still counts as CDM. However, according to the rules it does not:
3.1a CDM Server 1 - You should actively avoid hitting players with your vehicle, this includes all areas of the map.
If you cannot avoid a player it would not count as CDM. As the user that made the F1 did not provide any evidence of this actually being CDM, he should have been let free. Instead he was given a warning.
MsMs, I love you bro, but you screwed up here :/