Name - (What is the accused person's name?) slippinJimmy (XxmasterxX
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) STEAM_0:0:31054787
Evidence of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
Server - (What server was this on?) Server 1
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happen?) About 20 Mins Ago
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?) He keeps changing his steam and ingame name
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) False Want And Racism
Story - (What happened?) I was walking about and randomly i got wanted for something racist
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.) Don't open the spoiler if you get offened by racists words
Thanks for reading and again he keeps on changing his steam and ingame name