warn while i was roleplaying
7 years 5 months ago #694123
Staff Member(s) Name: cyper
Staff Member(s) SteamID: not needed
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: i was selling a gun (psg) to a drugdealer when cyper came and warned me for RDM/avoiding a sit. i am fucking selling guns and even when i was at bank and tried to stop the bankraiders he came and said ur not roleplaying when i was inside pd he told me i was not roleplaying too what kind of shit is this. hes prob like those indian tech scammers ffs he should resign
What server(s) was this on?: s1
Evidence: no
warn while i was roleplaying
7 years 5 months ago #694126
You constantly didn't want to be taken to the sit for about 10 minutes
There was clear proof that you rdmed someone so all that needs to happen is the removal of "Avoiding a sit" if you have proof
warn while i was roleplaying
7 years 5 months ago #694130
So i can briefly explain the scenario, i saw a f1 according an RDM. i brought the player because of the rdm. i went up to him and checked logs i went to you and you said you were roleplaying when you were outside pd and just said, im roleplaying and you went around just walking. i went back to player and talked to him about it and said that ill go talk to you yet again. you were just walking in a house and kept on saying you were roleplaying for a solid 10 mins. then i went to player and said you were avoiding the sit, he uploaded clear enough proof to the point if you were in the sit either way you would be warned for rdm. you refused to cooperate and therefore i warned you for RDM/ Evading a sit.