Staff Member(s) Name:
Wise Binary
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
first of all this is my first time posting on this forums so please note that i might of put this in the wrong category; basically according the admin who just walked around all the walls named purple (something, i forgot) said all this prop block is allowed b/c it's an admin doing it . (MAIN POINT) also according to him the admin who created this giant prop block was named wise binary (and as you can see in one of the screenshots he's asking for more cops so he can raid the bank) at one point after i told them its prop block they opened it up for a second then trapped us with more prop block (image in the brown walls/cages) then they resealed it, multiple players have more screenshots i have some of them added who i can ask to send them to me as well if needed.
What server(s) was this on?:
DarkRP 3